Dear Friends,
Happy 2019! I am writing to let you know about my upcoming trip to Nepal, my second in less than a year. Last year I went to teach in Kathmandu at the Nepal Theological Academy, a graduate level institution where all classes are taught in English, mostly by Indian and Western professors. During my time there last June, I met the General Secretary of the IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, the IVCF partner organization) work in Nepal, Sharad Lama, and I was able to lead 20 leaders in a short Bible study on the topic of vision. Two months ago Sharad invited me to return to Nepal to teach two 3-day conferences for student leaders and staff in two different parts of Nepal in late February and early March. I was eager to do this as I love the work of IFES and know that investment in student leaders and staff is both satisfying and very strategic. After prayer and conversation with Lisa, I agreed to return to Nepal, and I hastened to communicate to Dr. Abraham Saggu, the Dean of the seminary in Kathmandu and my host for the previous trip. He quickly replied that he would very much like for me to teach the same course I taught last June, for a younger group of students. He had arranged teaching in February from an American professor who had recently told him that he would no longer be available, so there was a gap in his seminary’s teaching schedule. So Dr Saggu was very relieved when I was able to confirm my willingness to teach for the seminary in addition to the IFES teaching, and hence to serve during a critical time for the seminary. Of course, it will help me to continue to make good use of the investment of time in preparation for the course last June, and I hope to be able to see at least some of my former students again while there and hear about their ministry endeavors. So between the two commitments, I will be doing a lot of teaching in three cities in Nepal over the course of about 3 weeks, starting mid-February. It will be much colder than it was when I was last there in June! Future Prospects Many of you know that Lisa received a three-year full-time teaching contract at Fuller Seminary as a Visiting Professor. That has really worked out very well and she has just passed the half-way mark of that term, which will end in June 2020. We are praying about what would come next, but one possibility is for Lisa to find a teaching position at a seminary or other institution in Asia or Africa, and I would find ministry or teaching to do as well. It would be hard to leave our current jobs; we enjoy them both a lot. But with our kids now married, we do have a sense that perhaps we have a 2-4 year stint overseas in our future, and are looking to God for guidance and for open doors and opportunities to use the gifts and training we’ve received and have to offer. We feel very content—grateful to God for the gift that Lisa’s time at Fuller continues to be, and grateful to be able to explore what opportunities God might open up at the end of this three year period! It means more chances to trust God and see him reveal his plan as we take daily steps of faith along the way. If you have thoughts or contacts you think could be helpful to us, please reply to this email or in some way pass them along! Current Needs So for this trip, I am trying to raise $5000 to defray some of the costs of the trip. It will involve 3 weeks away from my paying work, as well as flights to Nepal, expenses while in the country, and some financial support for the ministries I will be partnering with. If you are open to participating in this with me in any way, I’d be grateful. I'd love to have you join my team in supporting this work. If you are in a position to do so, please visit our donation page at Paraclete Ministries, and make a one-time donation. Thanks so much for being interested in this ministry and our ongoing journey of discernment. In Jesus, Rich Lamb
October 2024
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